We offer consultancy services in monitoring, evaluation, and capacity assessment.
ADS provides different consultancy services including third-party monitoring, evaluation, capacity assessment, socioeconomic and socio-political situation analysis, systems development as well as capacity building/training of different areas/topics with different international and governmental organizations. Relevant and Past Experience
We are engaged in providing wide range of technical support to the local institutions (both private and public organizations) as well as UN and International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs). ADS has technical cooperation with number of International consultancy firms including International Business & Technical Consultants Incorporation (IBTCI) based in USA, Coffey International Development (Coffey) based in UK and other countries, Social Impact (SI) based in USA, Inter-media Development Consultants (IDC) based in Kenya, Development Frontiers (DEFT) based in Kenya and many others
Development of Institutional Policies, Guidelines, And Framwork Plans
Research, Assessment, & Evaluation
Capacity Building & Skills Development
Monitoring Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation Program of Somalia
In 2012-2013 ADS was subcontracted by IBTCI to conduct USAID funded projects. ADS carried out Third Party Monitoring of projects including construction of infrastructure (offices and roads), capacity building of different community and authority categories, supply of equipment and materials, capacity building of different objectives and sizes, etc taking place in different regions of Puntland. Monitoring of over 250 Projects/activities.
Date: 2012-2013

Somali Monitoring program IBTCSMP2 (DFID)
Partner: IBTC-SMP2 (DFIDD)
Conducted third party monitoring on DFID funded projects in Puntland. ADS team used different tools and verification methodologies and furnished verification reports that perceived by Implementing Partners (IPs) fair, credible, relevant and useful. It has also had a lasting impact on how the IPs implement their projects at field level.
Date: 2014-2016

Somali Monitoring program IBTCSMP2 (DFID)
Partner: IBTCI- (USAID)
ADS has conducted more than 200 field visit verification with different projects in different locations in Puntland, Somaliland and Galmudug. ADS has was indispensible in providing timely, qualitative, quantitative and analytical information that assisted USAID in meeting their short, medium and long term monitoring objectives in Somalia.
Date: 2014-2017

Somalia Monitoring Project (SMP)
ADS provided independent, verifiable primary data to IBTCI’s for activities funded by Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), Office of Food for Peace (FFP), and their partners regarding the outputs, outcomes, progress, quality, challenges, successes and lessons learned in Puntland. Overall, the information and findings from the verifications was critical in ensuring program learning and accountability. This was useful for realtime programmatic adjustments and future program design.
Date: 2014-2017
Technical Staff
ADS is managed by an educated team equipped with different experiences and disciplines. The team consists of UN and INGO ex-workers, ex-public workers, University lecturers/Faculty Deans and multi-disciplined consultants. The organization also created a wide network of oncall experts and organizations/firms that can be outsourced when necessary. These experts live in Somalia, Kenya, Ethiopia and Europe. ADS has well trained monitoring and evaluation staff in various locations in Somalia with different levels of experience and responsibilities. ADS has a list of pool of local enumerators, mainly students from the local educational institutions, who is temporarily employed for the short term assignments. It is worth mentioning that these enumerators been trained by ADS for pervious researches and data collection exercises.
Familiarization with SPSS MV&R Technical Approach and Methodology
ADS is very much familiar with Somali Program Support Services (SPSS) approach and methodology in conducting Third Party monitoring, Verification and Reporting. ADS staff is well trained on the protocols, tools and guidelines of carrying out verification exercises at field level. In addition, they are well experienced in using the Askia Platform, which is a data collection mobile software, and have the technical capacity in fixing its potential technical problems.
Pre-deployment, Deployment and Post Deployment ADS is in the business of Third Party Monitoring for four years, during this period ADS gained in depth technical experience and knowledge on how to effectively and efficiently carry out site visit verifications. ADS have developed an internal tools such as verification checklist, activity profile and data quality assurance tool.
Operational (Logistics)
1. Develop a comprehensive checklist
2. Assigning a logistic officer to handle all logistical needs of the monitors i.e. equipment readiness, printouts.
3. Transportation: ADS have list of rental vehicles, with operational safety standards to travel both on tarmac and rough roads. 4. Accommodations: list of lodges to all Puntland cities, towns and villages for reservation prior FM deployment
5. List of fixers, clan elders for the remote areas to liaison with the local communities and to maneuver any unforeseen local security problems
- Have an internal tools as a supplementary for the original tools (activity profile, toolkit, sign sheet, checklist)
- Regular training and feedback during slow time. (Periodic training for the FMs on the methodologies, tools and procedures)
- We have technical experts (ICT experts) who is ready to quickly troubleshoot in the event of technical difficulties in improving the hiccups and technical problems.
Operational (Administration)
1. Pre-deployment briefings:
a. IPs: ADS has established an enabled environment for cooperation through mutual respect and professionalism
b. ADS team meeting and briefings: understand the context and the background of the activity being verified, develop activity profile to ensure all information were captured, assign each team member to a specific task.
c. Government buy-in: a constant update and communication with the central and local governments of Puntland.
2. Develop a comprehensive work plan for each round of verifications
3. Security assessments before heading to field
4. Constant communication between the management and the field monitors while on the site.
DATA Quality and On Time Delivery of Verification Reports
ADS has a bottom up approach of quality control where the percentage of errors is minimized at the field level and then the data is screened through different layers i.e. team leader review, Supervisor review and Verification Manager review. Most of these reviews take place immediately after the data collection exercise while the monitors still at the field with the help and consultation of IBTCI Field Supervisor.
ADS’ approach in quality assurance is real time and simultaneously keeps the IBTCI Field Supervisor and IBTCI Nairobi team in the loop in case of discrepancies or information gap of the activity being verified.
On the other hand, ADS is very keen and serious in meeting reporting deadlines while delivering a reliable and good quality data. However, in the event of unexpected changes from either from the Implementing Partner or the beneficiary, ADS immediately will inform the IBTIC Field Supervisor and SPSS team in Nairobi for consultation and way forward.

ADS is consulting firm that provides an organized consulting services in Somalia, Kenya and Eastern Ethiopia in different fields. It has established itself as one of the promising consultancy firms providing services in its area of operation.
Mogadishu: Taleeh Road, Behind Dahabshiil International Bank, Hodan Region
Garowe: East of Sagal Hotel, Islam Mohamed Road, 1st August Village, Garowe Region
Tel: +252907796530|whatsapp: +254714050910